söndag, september 09, 2007


It's shit that I can't be on Manhattan beach right now with a pizza and beer in front of me.

It's shit that the cunt that sold this place to me fucked up my bathroom.

It's shit that I gotta get fucking knee-surgery only being 32 years old, and I'm not even an elite athlete.

It's shit that there are issues not mentionable on this blog in my family that I can do "fuck all" about, but still am getting dragged into.

It's shit that I gotta smile someone in the face more or less every day, knowing full well, that I wanna say something else, but can't.

BUT, it's good to be me, cos I know that beyond all of this, there is more. There is a way, a will. A knowing that beyond this, there's a morning after. Sometimes life sux, deal with it.
There's a fucking mental drill sergeant screaming in my ear not to quit and keep going.
There's a Morpheus telling me to "stand up Neo". Why?
Well, if I would stop and contemplate.......well, that just wouldn't be me.
If I would stop and surrender - give up......well, that just wouldn't be me.
And if I would be a sissy and hold this in and not be able to say something about it........well, that just would be me......the old me.


At 3:12 em, Anonymous Anonym said...

32 years old for another week..

At 6:13 em, Blogger Martin said...

Nä nä nä, 9 dagar då det skrevs.
TACK du anonyme.........^^
Du hittade det viktigaste i hela bloggen, ha ha.


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