tisdag, mars 21, 2006

Stupid people! (english blog)

If there are no stupid qeustions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just as they ask the question?
One of my favourite quotes because it makes you wonder? Aren't there any stupid questions or aren't there any stupid people? I think there are both. And I think people came first (duh?).
Just check out the tons and tons of movieclips on the internet of people trying to do stunts or "funny" stuff. I cherich the fact that I've got good healt (besides a bumb knee) Why do you jeopardise your healt to see if you can set of 200 firecrackers on your chest or jump from a 3 story building onto a tree? Retorical questions - because they can!
I saw this kid, looking into a camera saying:
-You getting this, this is gonna be COOL!
And what does he do? He sprints 10 meters gaing respectable speed and runs head-first into a garagedoor!

That's one kind of stupid. The other? I can only describe it with a classic movie quote (geez, what a surprise, right?)
-Dude, what does mine say?
-Sweet. What does mine say?
-Duuuude, what does mine say?
-Sa-weeet-a!!!! What does mine say?
-DUUUUDE!!! What does mine say?
(Of course from the movie, "Dude, where's my car?")

People who just don't understand what you're saying. Or should I say, can't understand you becuase they are, in fact dumb.
And I'm actually torn wheather or not we should let these people be on TV or shown publicly even. On one hand it's good to show people just how dumb some people are (why does the word Big Brother spring to mind?) On the other it legitimizes the fact that it's ok to be this dumb and not only not try and change that, but even be PROUD OF IT!!!!!
I'm sorry to say that I pre-judge people. When I see a blonde saying "I'm not stupid", well, then you most likely are.

Now you're all wondering where you fall on my cruel scale of "judging idoits 1-10"?
Until I see you in Big Brother or jumping from a rooftop with an an ubrella for support, you're in the clear.
But I am doubting my own sanity. I just have this urge.......
Where can I find a steep hill full of poisoned ivy to run naked through so I can get into this new reality-show "Small sister"?
.........but I'm not stupid.


At 12:34 em, Blogger max said...

Wait until tomorrow before you say that again.


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