fredag, februari 10, 2006

This one I'll regret. (English blog)

Ok, since I feel this is an important post, it's gonna be in english so everyone I know can read.

This is a matter that I shouldn't even go near with a 40 ft. pole, but well chalk this one on the stupid-account.

Recent events in the middle-east haven't gone unnotice by anyone I assume. There has been much tension in the world due to it, and it started about 6 months ago with a few drawings in poor taste by a danish newspaper.
They depicted the islamic prophet Muhammed in ways that I can only say were ment to be derogatory and not funny at all. If you haven't seen them, here's the link And just to clarify, I'm posting these so that everyone can make up their own mind and understand why people have taken offense to them.

Why the uproar has taken so long, I have no idea. But since then, Saudi Arabia has boycoted the sale of danish, and even swedish(!!??) merchandise, demonstrations have occured, embassys have been burned and people have acutally died!!!
My first point is this:
-How can Saudi Arabia boycot ALL danish mercnadise? It was one newspaper that published the pictures. An apology from the newspaper and that should be it. How can a government and a nation be held responsible for one of it's nations papers? What happened to discretion here?

How can a country allow it's citizens to BURN DOWN another countrys embassy?! And even worse, another countrys embassy that's not even involved in the conflict/dispute? (Swedens embassy in Syria was in the same building as the danish) This is totally unacceptable, and yet somehow, it's not mentioned as serious in the news, or debated.
What if masses of angry americans would've burned down the Afghan embassy after sept 11, then what? After all, Usama Bin Laden had his base in Afghanistan, so a retaliation could be justified, right?

The one thing preached after sept 11 was "Don't judge all muslims based on the actions of a few fundamentalists".
But now all of the so called "west" is judge based on these drawings?

I'm sorry to say, but due to culture and how we judge people I say there'd be a public outcry. Why? Because people EXPECT countries in the west to act a certain way, and countries in the middle-east to act another.
Somehow, another violent riot, bombing or demonstration turned chaos is an ortdinary day in Beirut, when it's unthinkable in Copenhagen.
This is why the bigger emphasis has been on the drawings and not the following events. How can violence like this be tolerated? It totaly blows my mind!! And then comes the words that take the cake:
-These people feel betrayed by the west who were supposed to help them.

NO, I don't know what it's like to be a muslim in the middle-east. I don't know how their living conditions are. I DO KNOW, that when you allow violence like this and cop it off as "misdirected rage" or "peoples irrational act under distress"....whatever the term, you are waaaay out of line. The day we start accepting violence like this is the day mankind starts to decay. (Some say it's been going on for a long time) We're not gonna get into the whole Iraq thing now, it's not relevant to that extent. Neither the hypochrasy that is the governments "looking out" for their people in the matter when basic human rights get violated on a daly basis in most countrys in the middle-east.

Why wasn't this handled with an appology from the newspaper and that was it? I know muslims are very dedicated to their religion, but there still has to laws and rules that are universal.
The pictures where a poke in the chest to the muslims. The retaliation was a blow to the head with a baseballbat to the world. (My analogy)
I hope things will be resolved peacefully, but if history has taught us anything it's that things will get worse before they get better. But we can always hope for it to get better right away.

Increase the peace.


At 12:01 em, Blogger Simon V. said...

damn it bro! That was one of the best and well-put comments i´ve read on the subject. You should while we´re on it look at the primeminister Rasmussens actions towards some of the muslim countries leaders prior to this. Some say it´s just an easy way out to this insane and as you say, overexaggerated outcry.
Oh, and I like your analogy at the end. And to end with an illproper remark;) They´re gonna get medival on the danish asses.
(and people, please, I´m just kidding)

At 12:01 em, Blogger Simon V. said...

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