Fickle life
Didn't realize it's been almost 2 weeks since the last time I wrote. It feels like most of my posts begin like this nowadays. These have been couple of very eventful weeks. I've had great times with friends, gone out of my element and have a very exciting time ahead of me.....and yet I don't write about it.
The most exciting thing for me the last couple of weeks is that I have what you might call a plan. And this time it's one that's doable and not some utopian dream and one that is very real.
Workwise I know what I have to do to improve myself and what to aim for.
I have a goal fitness wise as well as with my living situation.
As for the going out of my element part, I went to a gay bar for the first time ever with a friend of mine who is gay.
First off, my bubble that hot girls going to gay bars to avoid getting hit on was shattered mercilessly.
Second, there were your "prototype" gay guys there, but looks varied quite a bit. And seeing two very muscular guys make out was not an everyday scene.
For me, a man who has partied for a number of years now but never been to a gay bar, it was different. Now, I could care less if you're bi, straight or gay, as long as you're cool with me, I'm cool with you.
The thing that I don't get as a straight guy is how you can choose a guy over a woman?
Yes, different values, different people like different things, I know. But my value system can't really process that part. It's the same as with women who get beaten by their spouse. I UNDERSTAND it, but I don't get it.
But if it's one thing that I've learned during my time here on earth is that one mans gloom is the others sunshine. One mans awful drink is the others nectar of life.
And yes, I have come to accept that my ideals aren't the absolute facts of life. (The day that I realized that is another story)
What I also started thinking about is life as a youngster and even up to my early teens, the word gay or fag was used regularly as a derogatory word.
It just shows how little you know as a kid and how easy it is to be afraid of something you don't know much about.
The scary part is that I too chose the path of not wanting to learn or accept it, but rather reject it. And that scared me that I too was one of those narrow minded fools. Good thing your eyes open through the years.
Well, that's the story of Martin and the gay dudes. Interesting, huh?
And by the way, my gay friend was complimented on his latest catch. Now if I can just carry that appeal with me next week when I hit my regular joints, I'm golden.
Oh, and just so you know. We set the bar for how to party VERY HIGH that night.
I mean Javier Sotomayor high.....I love having something to beat.
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