tisdag, mars 30, 2010

Shutter island

I saw this film yesterday and I'm just curious what you thought of it.
Please post comment, spoilers are ok since my comments aren't shown right away.
If you haven't seen it, look at comments at your own risk.

torsdag, mars 18, 2010

Bra artikel/Good article

Mycket bra artikel i dagens City av Jan Löwdin. I korthet handlar den om hur inneslutningen vid dator eller bara ifrån omvärlden skadar unga män som sedan tar ut sin ilska i dåd som de i Columbine och Jokela.
Ett citat som fastnade var ett stycke skrivet av Hjalmar Söderberg:
Man vill bli älskad,
i brist därpå beundrad,
i brist därpå fruktad,
i brist därpå avskydd och föraktad.

Stora ord.

A very good article in the local Stockholm newspaper City. In short it's about how shutting yourself in by a computer or just away form the world hurts young men who then take out their anger doing things like in Columbine and Jokela (finnish town)
It included a quote from swedish writer Hjalmar Söderberg:
You want to be loved,
in lack thereof admired,
in lack thereof feared,
in lack there of hated and despised.

söndag, mars 14, 2010


Det ligger där och lurar. Beslutet med stort B. Vissa saker, som att välja lunch, eller att välja en sorts dryck är rätt basala och den enda konsekvensen du egentligen kan vänta dig står i förhållande till om du väljer husmanskost eller indiskt.
Men beslut som har konsekvenser, ja se där blir det knivigare. Det är ju trots att allt så att du måste följa upp det du gör och med näven i vädret säga: Japp, det var jag som gjorde det.

Just nu har jag ett sådant beslut som ligger och lurar i vassen och som fortfarande ligger i för/emot-skålen.
Det är dock med ett visst ogillande som jag har det där och det är generellt inte något jag gör. Men men, stora beslut behöver stor research.
Jag återkommer när det börjar närma sig och vi får se vad resultatet blir.

Just do it....sometimes.

Does anybody remember laughter?

No, I'm not trying to be a wiseass, it's just a Led Zeppelin reference from their eminent song "Stairway to heaven" (where do you buy a stairway to heaven by the way)
But if you youtube the song and listen to it, you will realize that it is one of the finest musical pieces ever made.
Jimmy Page lets go on that guitar for a good 2-3 minutes and it's just awesome. And Robert Plant....don't get me started.
I know it's been said, accoladed and lifted to the sky to be mentioned as one of the greatest songs of all time.
But that's not why I like it.
I like it because of all the aforementioned words but also because of what the words in the song say.

And what I want to get back to is the words "does anyboyd remember laughter?"
Because those words ring true in our so called day and age. It's become more proper and "correct" to not show even a remote symbolism of happiness anymore.
The cold, unaffected stoneface is what you're supposed to be.
This in some way makes me very unhappy. Why is a frown more revered than a smile?
I can recall at least 3-4 times this evening that I smiled for what would seem as "no reason".
Did I do something wrong?
Please tell me that I just caught a bad batch of people who didn't enjoy life and the joy of just being there.

Right now I was caught reminiscing a few moments from last night and I smiled.
I know I'm being a high horse rider here, but don't let the world of unhappy people put your mind in a dark place.
Just enjoy another day, all right?

If this text has no relevance to where you live at the moment, please let me know where you live, because I really would like to live in a place where people wake up and smile and don't frown upon every little thing that goes wrong.
And to end it off, I'll leave you with what is my epithet - a movie quote:
-Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.

G'nite y'all

lördag, mars 06, 2010


Man, I am one pissed of kid.
I just read my previous 5-6 post and it's all about shit going on.

I guess it's sometimes normal that you express your feelings, but this is too negative, even for me.
The thing that brought this on is probobly the "non-writing" I'd say.
Because when you don't write, the mind only remembers the bad stuff. But in all fairness, there have been some downs recently, so I'm not going to deny that I've been the recipient of bad news.
However it's not what kind of bad news you receive, it's what you make of it.
Sure, the shit might hit the proverbial fan, but hey, deal with it.

One time is no time. Or, en gång, ingen gång, as we say in swedish.
And in all fairness, my life has been pretty good as of late.
So what I write is not a reflection of my life, it's just a window of what I have experienced as of late.
It's just a reflection of me seeing the dark side more vividly than I'm used to.
For example, I just talked to a friend about an upcoming trip which is making me forget all the worlds troubles.
But I also read a blog that a friend wrote which made me jealous of her happiness but also happy at the same time.

The vividness in which she described her happiness made me shut my eyes and see what she had lived, even if for just a breif moment.
I hope I'm not chasing a dragon when I embark on my journey, but I think I will take things in stride.
Thank you J for showing me the way.
Now, I'm off to bigger and better things.....in 4 hours to be precise.


The ups and downs

it's the rollercoaster that sets us apart.
The way you fly high on a bump and the way you plummet to another world that isn't even your own.
I experienced this just a few weeks ago.
I was flying high on a "bump" in life and everything was gravy. You couldn't touch me with a flyswatter or a wreckingball.
But with just a few words I was brought back down to earth in a hurry.
I've always been a keeper of my friends. If I can, I will do the above and beyond to keep my friends safe and help them in which ever way I can.
This time however, I was left without a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out of.....and it left me very much not at ease. I emmediatley started thinking of "Alabama".

The feeling of not being able to affect a situation got to me and the seriousness in which my friend told me what he was up against made it even worse.
Helplessness is a situation you don't want to be in, even if it's on the helping end.
Now, all I can do is accept, be positive and pray. And since I'm not religious, that pretty much narrows it down to two.
However, that is also my peace of mind....that I can't adjust it or make a differnce - just accept it. So I guess the words:
-The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.
-I believe the second part.
They seem ever so true at the moment.

This makes me relish the fact that I live where I do and am not in the direct line of a bullet.
Geez, my biggest obstacle is a delayed train or a shop that closed early.
Man, what a secluded world we live in.

Vaya con dios amigo. See you soon.

måndag, mars 01, 2010


Fan vad less jag är på Aftonbladet.
Först sågar de det svenska landslaget som förlorar mot Slovakien och benämner det hela som ett fiasko.
Sen svarar Helena Jonsson att hon inte vet om hon kommer vara med i OS om 4 år och då tolkar AB det som att hon är knäckt.

I vilken värld lever dessa journalister? Att Sverige vann guld för 4 år sen var en stor bedrift, men att förvänta sig detsamma igen är lite väl magstarkt. Och Slovakien är knappast något Vitryssland. Jag skulle ta deras förstafemma över alla svenska vilken dag i veckan som helst.
Och att fokusera på tävlingen man deltager i för tillfället ter sig väl ganska naturligt. Inte en som är om 4 år.

Hatobjekt #1 och #2 är Lasse Anrell och Mats Wennerholm. Har i och för sig alltid haft Anrell som etta på den listan sen han under en hel säsong klankat ner på Djurgården hockey för att sen berätta hur värdiga vinnare de är och hur han är bundis med alla.

Skitjournalistik helt enkelt!