lördag, mars 06, 2010


Man, I am one pissed of kid.
I just read my previous 5-6 post and it's all about shit going on.

I guess it's sometimes normal that you express your feelings, but this is too negative, even for me.
The thing that brought this on is probobly the "non-writing" I'd say.
Because when you don't write, the mind only remembers the bad stuff. But in all fairness, there have been some downs recently, so I'm not going to deny that I've been the recipient of bad news.
However it's not what kind of bad news you receive, it's what you make of it.
Sure, the shit might hit the proverbial fan, but hey, deal with it.

One time is no time. Or, en gång, ingen gång, as we say in swedish.
And in all fairness, my life has been pretty good as of late.
So what I write is not a reflection of my life, it's just a window of what I have experienced as of late.
It's just a reflection of me seeing the dark side more vividly than I'm used to.
For example, I just talked to a friend about an upcoming trip which is making me forget all the worlds troubles.
But I also read a blog that a friend wrote which made me jealous of her happiness but also happy at the same time.

The vividness in which she described her happiness made me shut my eyes and see what she had lived, even if for just a breif moment.
I hope I'm not chasing a dragon when I embark on my journey, but I think I will take things in stride.
Thank you J for showing me the way.
Now, I'm off to bigger and better things.....in 4 hours to be precise.
