fredag, mars 28, 2008


Detta är ett uttag från ett forum jag är med i.


a dutch movie with english subtitles just for you, it worth watching but thats all,

made by a Politician here in Holland bout how Evil the Islam is and the Hatred vs Jews,

check it out



This short film, is a story of 2 tales for me.
For those of you who read it, I wrote a blog a while back about this and this "fear of terrorism" which should be getting as much day-light as the fear of slipping on a soap in the shower. Because that's MORE likely to be your cause of death, than a terrorist attack.
The proclaimed war on terror by the U.S is complete B.S. It's sole purpose is for the U.S to have a reason to meddle in the middle east and control the oil.

And islam is actually the only religin that accepts the fact that god has different names for different people and religions. All other religions state that their god is the only one. The irony of it is that one of the most fanatic and old school mulsims, called wahabism, are located in Saudi Arabi where the U.S have their biggest ally.

The people speaking and the clips in the film are ideas of some majorly fucked up people, fanatics, and there will always be those ready to say these things, and the paper to scare you with those words on a headline.
I'm not denying that these people are determined and should be feared, but with modesty. Like I said eaerlier, there are hardcore muslims, but the majority are just like you and me and don't agree with these people. And by that, they also are enemies of the hardliners. Ironic, huh?

There was a headline saying that there was a muslim holliday being celebrated in Holland. That is one thing that I don't like if it was a national holliday that is.
We had a similar thing in sweden where the national anthem was banned from schools because it was concidered to be racist (Swedish nationalists sang it) Go figure.
To some degree I do agree with the fact that there is sometimes an oversensitivity towards minorities and you cop it of as being "their way".
I don't have an in depth knowledge in what I'm about to write, but from what I gather, people from the western hemosphere are foreced to adopt the way of life in an islamic country when living there, but when the roles are reversed, things aren't the same.

Sure people are entitled to their beliefs and customs, but when it affects the indigenous population, that's where I draw the line.

Finally, I have to fall back on my old ways of misstrusting anything that's a headline or taken out of context.
I can imagine that this stirred up a shitstorm in Holland because I don't think it's an accurate depiction of muslims.
I promise, that if you take a camera, go into the deep south or red-neck part of the United states, you'd find people saying fucked up shit like this as well.

I can imagine that this stirred up a shitstorm in Holland?