tisdag, mars 30, 2010

Shutter island

I saw this film yesterday and I'm just curious what you thought of it.
Please post comment, spoilers are ok since my comments aren't shown right away.
If you haven't seen it, look at comments at your own risk.


At 11:04 fm, Blogger meegzisrad said...


The end.

At 7:44 fm, Blogger Martin said...

About the end, Teddy/Edward says:
-Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?
This is after it seems that he has regressed back to being Teddy.
But when Chuck calls his name, Teddy, he doesn't turn around.

I thought he faked going back to being Teddy so that he would be lobotomized and get to forget what happened to him.
What do you think?

At 10:16 fm, Blogger David said...

I thought it was a visual treat, lovely cinematopgrahy as well as a kick-ass soundtrack and great acting. Plotwise, I felt it was a mix of The Game and The Machinist which is fine. But as you see more "plot twist" movies you tend to build up your expectations. I did think bout the possibility that he's actually been right all along and that he's been brainwashed a la Brazil or 1984.

At 10:16 fm, Blogger David said...

But I think your comment makes more sense.

At 3:14 fm, Blogger Martin said...


I still stand fast in my feeling about the ending.
He just feels too present in the things he say and the way he conducts himselfs.
It feels as though he is very weary of what awaits him with the orderlies.
I think I want to see this film again...


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