Taking a stand
Maybe it's just me, but do you really need to join groups on Facebook like "we are against torture" or "stop child pornography"?
Isn't that kicking in the most open door of all?
It's like joining the "I like air"-group.
I'm all for taking a stand and speaking your mind to help less fortunate people, but this feels more like a make myself feel good action, rather than making a statement or helping someone else.
You give yourself a pad on the back because it's now in writing that you are against whatever it is you are against.
It's more of a get out of jail card in case you get caught saying something wrong, then you can always say that you are against genocide and can prove it because you clicked a join button.
If you want to do something, do volunteer work, donate money to an organisation or get involved yourself. But don't try to convince me that your action has any meaning what so ever and don't wait for me to give you credit for "taking a stand".