torsdag, juli 23, 2009

Festa med snickare - fy fan!

Fick den här länken skickad till mig av en polare.

De killar som intervjuas är exakt diametrala till de personerna som jag träffade på resan. Förvisso hör killarna till de lite mer extrema personerna och en liten klick (vill jag tro i alla fall), men att deras beteende genererar sådan uppståndelse är för mig ofattbart.
Ärligt talat blir jag glad att jag inte står för något av det som de intervjuade gör.

onsdag, juli 22, 2009

Swedes suck!

Our technology has come pretty far and I don't think that I have let any of my friends NOT know through text messages, e-mails or Facebook that I've been to Los Angeles recently.
The trip there is no denying, but I will deny a few photos taken, mostly on principal. It wasn't me.

The trip was awesome in so many ways and the only thing I can think of that was a downer was that I stayed a week and a half more after partying and living it up at the hostel. It was like everything just slowed down, which is natural taking into account the changed living arrangements and the departure of my traveling buddy.
But all in all, it was an awesome trip, maybe because of this. I got the best of both worlds. Golfing, seeing parts of LA you don't see on your normal routes, laying in the sun reading a book and just relaxing on the one hand and the other part with touring the city on my own (i.e having to find the way as opposed to riding shotgun), hanging around the beach more, partying and meeting lots of new and really cool people.

In retrospect, that is the one thing that stands out when I think about the hostel. All the people we met were really down to earth and there was no stuck-up-ness so to say.
Sure, people are on vacation and looser, but still, there was something else. I think I'd sum it up as the ability to enjoy life and being humble at the same time.
Now I don't know how things are in the countries where these people came from, but the way they were down to earth really stood out to me. And of course americans are americans. Always chating you up, shooting the breeze and that's a sharp contrast to Sweden. I've never understood how you can not just reply when someone speaks to you, but totally ignore them.
That goes against everything I believe and stand for. Swedes suck in that way. It's often more cool to be that way than to reply and just be nice.

That's why I like the first month or so when I'm back home because the american way has rubbed off on me and during the time I'm still in that zone, I'm in a groove and just enjoy everything so much more.
But like everything else it sort of fades away, but hopefully by then, I'm doing something new to keep the juices flowing. That day, that sorrow as we say in Sweden. (makes less sense in english, but I had to write it because it sounded funny)
So I'm going to continue fighting the main stream way for as long as can, enjoy life and have that occasional drink/beer.
Why? Becuse I'm worth it.
Cheers. Salud. Na zdrowie. Skål kosmonauter!!

tisdag, juli 21, 2009

Call me Lou Ashby

There he goes again. That pale/red mo-fo!
Sitting at home since arriving back home yesterday doing fuck all my ol' travelling buddy gave me a call last night asking if I wanted to go out.
Fuck dude, does a rabbit want to fuck his brains out?

So I quick showered, had a few and still of course missed the subway train because I was distracted (like a dog with frisbee).
But a quick taxi service assisted by the lovely Katarina took me to the venue in no time.
Yada, yada, yada and a few White ruskies later and we were on our way. Flipflops, shorts and drinks in all. (Our friends have no fashion snese what so ever, haha)

At the club we just hit the dancefloor like the allies hit Normandie and from there on it was ON!
A guy started stepping to my boy Martin and we had ourselves a dance off. I don't know why, but I right of the bat stepped into MC mode and started calling it as I saw it.
Actually not being bias at all, but giving my boy mad props the other guy started bitching (even though I gave him some cred for a few moves).
So he called in his muscle (not a bigger guy, ***** please, who would that be?) but his friend who really took over dancing/breaking like a pro and eventually beat my boy. We were all cool afterwards giving guy #2 props, but his friend was still pissed.
I mean, calling in your boy when you're getting beat like you stole something is kinda weak. *cough* pussy *cough* (works better in real life btw)

After that we just rocked the night and it was just what I needed after the let down of coming home to the gloom that is Sweden right now.
Tomorrow? Well, tomorrow is a new day, but I think it will hold all that I need and a little bit more.
There is no faith but what you make.

A side story is that I saw "The Wrestler" today with Mickey Rourke. I have a catch phrase (surprise, surprise) which found new life in that film.
"When you have nothing, you cling onto something."
Good film. Not as great as the critics say, but very much so worth watching.

Friends. I'm calling it a night. Tomorrow I bring you the story of the Alex, the golf and the USA.
Night night.