måndag, februari 22, 2016

The road ahead

It feels only right that I deliver this one in english since I did spend a few weeks speaking the queens english. Well, more or less. I was an ameriCAN, not an amerCAN'T. Anywho, let's go.

It is actually a global cause, not just a national one. And it shouldn't come as a surprise, but people are more and more involved in their own lives than in the lives of others, and even less when you talk about the future of our species. So what do you do to prove that you are "worthy" human being? Well, for starters, ask yourself if you are kind? Not ironically, but truely look in the mirror and ask that question. And after that, what are you doing to improve other peoples lives? What actions do you take if you see wrongdoing? If someone gets killed by wrongful action, change to a (insert color) ribbon on your Facebook. If your colleague has a bad day. Don't help her up, tell your friends and other colleagues how at fault she is for being weak and not knowing how to do her job. Because it's more important to flaunt your feathers rather than helping someone up, right?

Now you're probobly saying: Oh no. That's not me. Well. Maybe it's not you. But you listen in on the office gossip, you don't accept an appology when someone bumps into you or you don't even leave your seat because the man with a cane might be faking it. On some level, we all do it. It actually doesn't take that much to help someone and no, you don't have to share it on your Facebook/Twitter that you helped an old person across the road. Just do it.

I know, my words aren't that much more than just words, you'll never know. But what I do know is that I try affect the people around me in a positive way. From my best friends, to my colleagues, to new friends and people I meet in every day life. I hear the phrase: Well, people just don't care anymore. I chuckle at that notion, because in my world, we are those people. We make a choice, we do either good or bad. We help or choose to stand idley by. So per "your" example that no one cares, what if we all start to care? Ain't that just a thrilling thought?

To paraphrase a qoute, hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. But if you still think that the biggest impact to your life will be the next Idol winner or what new burger McDonald's will put out, maybe you should start looking a little further?

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.