fredag, december 31, 2010

Come fly with me!

Not having to get up at 3 am to catch a flight. To be fair, I'll have to take you back to the day before, because that's where the journey really began.
Nothing specific about that evening. Just got off work, after work at TGIF's, but I had that feeling that it was going to be a while before I'd be back and that is a very nice feeling to have.
So after a late night pack, a morning snooze and the classic "No worries, I've got ti....oh snap, I gotta go" I was on the Arlanda express with a coke in my hand and a big smile on my face.
Finally checked in and through security (I bleeped both times walking through security, weird) I afforded myself a beer and a shrimp sandwich - good times.
Boarding the plane I met the clear cut winner of the "I hate my job contest". The lady checking my boarding pass was grumpy to say the least.
On the plan, I catch a glance at the seating arrangement of the lady in front of me. It turns out she's in 17C, only a seat from my 17A.
But on her way there she looks at her ticket, then at row 3. The ticket, row 7, ticket, row 12 and finally decides to sit down in seat 15D.
After a minute or so, when the real 15D comes and points to 17C, she gets up and walks BY 17C to row 19. She then goes back and makes an attempt at 16E before she's finally settled in at 17C.
It's the little things that get you by.

After a freezing flight to Frankfurt and a quick transit through a loooooong tunnel, I reach my terminal where I can only find 1 real restaurant. Lo and behold, it's wurst and sauerkraut in every which way or a very dodgy looking pasta bolognese.
Just as I'm about to order, I look up and see the golden arches. Yes, there is a McDonald's. Let me just be clear, this is the lesser of two evils, let's just say that the sausages weren't very tempting.
I'd say that Germany is the one place in the world where you can get Karthoffelfries and a Big Rösti. Instant classic!!

While waiting on the plane I started talking to a dude who coincidentally was going to Brisbane as well. His name was Mike from Ireland. He had been unemployed and was going to Oz for work.
For the life of me, I couldn't understand more than half of what he was saying. This won't come off as funny as it did in real life but here's the conversation.
Mike: Did you get that bag with sacks on the plane?
Me: Bag of....what?
Mike:Yeah, sacks for your feet.
Me:Oooh, socks.
(His pronunciation threw me off to say the least)

He was good fun hanging out with and we had a few beers and laughs in Singapore as well.
All I have to say about the flight is T-riff-ic!!! Singapore airlines are awesome. Meals, drinks, service, staff and entertainment. I Saw The town, Resident evil afterlife, Wall Street 2 and Inception.
As for the staff, there were more than a few times my head tilted into the isle. Hello!

Now I'm HERE and it's just awesome. But more on that later. Now it's time to gear up for New years - woot woot!!!!

tisdag, december 21, 2010

Leaving or fleeing?

Soon I'll be on that plane and these snowy and dark days will be nothing but a memory. Just like the ones you have of that special song you used to sing as a kid. And like that song, the memories will linger in the back of my head and occasionally float to the surface.
Yes, it's time for this fair skin to be tested by the brutal sun. SPF 30 will be my best friend.

I'm superstoked, but as always I have to finish some things and tie up some loose ends. But after that, it's smooth sailing.
I don't think it's all sunk in yet, but I think I know when it will. After the first check point and while waiting on that first flight at the bar.
Sayonara snow. Sayonara cold. I'm NEVER coming back. (NEVER in this context is the number of days that I'm gone, but it feels good to say)

My last trip-song was Outkast - Welcome to Atlanta. This time I'll let Mos def do my talking. Enjoy!

söndag, december 12, 2010

Håll er inom ramarna för fan!

Det är rätt kul att läsa recensioner och framför allt sådana där den som skriver spalten stör sig på artisten eller filmen. Jag vet inte vad Aftonbladets journalist (det bär emot att skriva det, men det är väl tyvärr vad han är) Markus Larsson, men något har dem gjort. Här är recensionen.
Det jag i övrigt reagerar på är den generella uppfattningen att bandet inte nischar sig och väljer en musikstil. Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag läst recensioner där skribenten beklagar sig över att artisten spelar på samma sträng och inte utvecklar sig eller sin musik.
Här har vi då ett band som blandar hej vilt bland musikstilar och gör mångfaldig musik, men av någon anledning är detta ändå fel.

Det är denna bild av konformitet som jag skräms ännu mer av. Det finns alltså ett speciellt sätt som ett band skall vara på. De ska slå igenom med ett unikt sound, men ändå ett som går att klassificera och lägga i ett fack. När de sedan blivit etablerade är det legitimt att börja experimentera och göra annan musik.
Som tur är är musiker oftast lite egensinnade och jag tror att de tar väldigt lätt på kritiken, men synsättet är fortfarande högst beklämmande.

Nu ska jag säga att jag inte är något jättefan av Hoffmaestro, de gör helt ok musik, men jag är inte ett rabiat fan. Det är bara själva företeelsen som jag stör mig på. Gör som alla andra, annars blir du brännmärkt.
"To indeed be a god"!!!